The issue of Reservation in India is like a double edged sword. It is so complex that the people tend to get away from discussing over this issue. Even if putting it simply, if you say that reservation is must, the people who don’t get it will get angry. And on the other hand, if ask to end the reservation policy the people who are taking the benefit of it will surely get offended. This how it works in this second most populous country of the world. I think India is the only major country to have this practice of giving reservation based on birth in particular caste.
There are many other issues related to the reservation. But one thing is important to note that it is not benefitting the people for whom it was actually made. Even after proving reservation there are some castes within the groups of OBCs, SCs and STs which are neglected and still competing hard for their representation. A major shift is required, now we need to look who is still left behind among these big groups. Well, we also have to look over caste based discrimination as it is still there. The form may have changed but still it have a deep impact at some places. Being in the academic zone and from lutyens Delhi to the top most offices of this country I have seen this and even witnessed personally.
We have to end this. We have to change our mind-set. We need to work at ground zero. And one way to reduce this by promoting inter caste marriages which is still a taboo at many places in India. We have to teach the upcoming generation and have to save them with the menace that our ancestors left for us.